Bluestacks multi instance
Bluestacks multi instance

  • Repeat steps 1-6 until you get the characters you wanted.
  • For your convenience, we’ve broken down this process into a few easy steps:

    bluestacks multi instance

    The good part about rerolling in this game is that it’s very easy and quick, and each cycle takes only a few minutes. How to Reroll in Dynasty Origins: Conquest

    bluestacks multi instance

    In this sense, and if you’re lucky, you could start the game with the best characters today, instead of having to reroll for days on end. In the following paragraphs, we’ll be giving quick and easy instructions on how to reroll in Dynasty Origins: Conquest, as well as how to use BlueStacks to significantly accelerate this process. This, dear readers, is where this guide comes in.

    bluestacks multi instance

    Of course, this process is easier said than done, especially if luck isn’t on your side, which is why you’ll need all the help you can get. If you’re among these avid players who are interested in Dynasty Origins and want to get the best possible beginning, then you’ll probably want to reroll to get a headstart by adding some of the best characters to your team.

    Bluestacks multi instance